Congratulations to Kevin Takashita-Bynum!

Kevin, elated after finding a pristine outcrop of fossil soils in Gona, Ethiopia.

Kevin, elated after finding a pristine outcrop of fossil soils in Gona, Ethiopia.

Congratulations to Kevin, who received not one but two grants last month! He received $1000 from LacCore at the National Lacustrine Corre Facility at the University of Minnesota to support travel to collect samples from two cores that are stored at the facility from northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia. His dissertation focuses on two cores from the Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project. Kevin also received $2500 from the Geological Society of America that will support the bulk geochemical analyses he needs to properly study all those paleosols he’s been identifying in these cores.

This support will help him reconstruct the paleoclimate during the Plio-Pleistocene during some key intervals in human evolution. Kevin is the newest member of our group and joined us in January 2021, but he’s off to a great start!